Services and Programs
New Horizons offers five core independent living services, deaf and hard of hearing services, employment services, our durable medical GREEN program, and attendant services to people with disabilities in the 29 parishes of North Louisiana. We also provide support for people with disabilities who are considering transitioning from a nursing home or other institution. Services and programs are directed from our main office in Shreveport and from branch offices in Alexandria and Monroe, in the homes of consumers, and in the community. The primary focus of all of the services and programs is toward “enabling people with disabilities to live independently.” New Horizons does not discriminate in the provision of services on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, or disability.

The Five Core Independent Living Services
Information and Referral
This service allows both consumers and the community access to current information about disabilities and treatments, adaptive technology, pending legislation, and professional support and services.
Peer Counseling
Peer Counseling allows our consumers the opportunity to discuss disability related issues, receive encouragement, share thoughts and ideas, and enjoy a social outlet. The majority of our Independent Living Specialists have a disability. We’re ready to share our knowledge, experience, and time with you.
Skills Training
Skills Training is an important part of independence. That’s why New Horizons offers skills training in adaptive technologies and devices, use of independent living aids, computer skills, household management, managing a personal budget, using public transportation, and more to meet specific needs.
As advocates for people with disabilities, New Horizons helps to ensure that the rights and privileges of its consumers are protected. We teach people with disabilities how to be effective advocates for themselves and enable them to ensure that their own rights and privileges are protected. Our goal is to help people with disabilities positively influence community policies and practices.
This includes youth transitioning from education to employment as well as nursing home transitions for consumers who want to return to community living or who need the supports and services to continue living in their own home.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services
New Horizons provides services to the deaf and hard of hearing. Through funding by the Louisiana Commission for the Deaf, New Horizons provides assistive technology services and devices for consumers who can provide documentation of hearing loss, combined hearing and visual loss, or a speech impairment. These services may assist an individual in selecting, acquiring, and using assistive devices and aids for daily living. Interpreters are available by appointment for services funded through the Louisiana Commission for the Deaf and New Horizons. The Video Phone number is 318-459-9233.
Employment Services
New Horizons is an approved National Employment Network through the Ticket to Work Program of Social Security. It is our belief that assisting people with disabilities to find and maintain employment strongly supports our mission of “enabling people with disabilities to live independently.”
The Green Program
The New Horizons Loan Closet has been renamed the GREEN program. GREEN is an acronym for “Giving Recycled/Reusable Equipment for Everyday Needs.” GREEN is for consumers who are in need of equipment such as manual wheelchairs, power wheelchairs, and durable medical equipment such as bedside toilets, shower benches, canes, crutches, and other aids for daily living. New Horizons accepts donations of equipment from community donors, and through these donations, others are helped. If you are in need of these services or wish to make a donation, please contact the office in the area closest to where you live.
We don’t accept donations of catheters, oxygen, nebulizers, nutritional supplements, or broken equipment.
Attendant Services
Attendants are employed to provide routine service to the consumer that enables him/her to conduct the activities of daily living. Generally those activities are: ambulation, bathing, grooming, dressing, eating, transferring, toileting, cooking, laundry, feeding, house cleaning, and assuring health and safety. There may be other activities of daily living that the attendant can perform.
In order to assist people with disabilities in maintaining their independence in the home, New Horizons offers private pay services and the State of Louisiana Personal Assistance Services program. New Horizons offers attendant services through Medicaid in the Monroe area only.
New Horizons services and programs are operated without regard to race, color, creed, national origin, sex, age, marital status, veteran status, or disabilities.
For requesting additional information on nondiscrimination obligations of New Horizons or for information on filing a discrimination complaint, contact your nearest office.
New Horizons is committed to providing non-discriminatory service.
Ticket to Work Program
What is Social Security’s Ticket to Work Program?
Social Security’s Ticket to Work (Ticket) Program supports career development for people ages 18 through 64 who receive Social Security disability benefits (SSDI/ SSI) and want to work. If you qualify for this free and voluntary program, you will work with service providers to receive the supports and services you need to find and maintain employment
How Does It Work?
The Ticket Program is a good fit for people who want to improve their earning potential and are committed to preparing for long-term success in the workforce. The Ticket Program connects you with free employment services to help you decide if working is right for you, prepare for work, find a job and be successful at work. Authorized Ticket Program service providers, such as Employment Networks (EN) or your State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agency, provide services such as career counseling, vocational rehabilitation, job placement assistance and training. The service provider you choose will serve as an important part of your “employment team” to help you on your journey to financial independence.
For More Information
Contact: Kristine Carrier
Employment Specialist
New Horizons, Inc.

Kris Carrier is the Employment Specialist at New Horizons Independent Living Center in Shreveport, Louisiana. She works with SSA Beneficiaries in the Ticket to Work Program to help them prepare for and find jobs that match their needs, abilities, and talents.
Her 36 years of disability services in Sheltered Employment, Enclaves, Supported Employment, and especially the past 18 years of Competitive Employment through Ticket to Work, has helped her create efficient and effective strategies to help people discover work they love and achieve their goals.